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Jobs of speakers in a debate:

First Speaker:
1.Give the definition of the motion
2.Outline the team’s case
  • Present the theme line
  • Present the team split
3.Explain the arguments that are the 1st speaker split
4.Give a brief summary/recap of the speech

First Speaker
1.Respond to the definition
2.Rebut the 1st government speaker
3.Outline the team’s case
  • Present the theme line
  • Present the team split
4.Explain the arguments that are the 1st speaker split
5.Give a brief summary/recap of the speech
Second Speaker:
1.Rebut the Opposition’s main arguments
2.Briefly restate /reiterate in general the Government’s team case
3.Explain the arguments that are the 2nd speaker split
4.Give a brief summary/recap the speech

Second Speaker:
1.Rebut the Government’s main arguments
2.Briefly restate/reiterate in general the Opposition’s team case
 3.Explain the arguments that are the 2nd speaker split
4.Give a brief summary/recap the speech
Third Speaker:
1.Rebut the Opposition’s arguments, prioritizing the strong/important ones
2.Rebuild the team’s case
3.Summarize the issue of the debate
Note: It is not advisable for 3rd  speaker to bring new arguments.

Third Speaker:
1.Rebut the Government’s arguments, prioritizing the strong/important ones
2.Rebuild the team’s case
3.Summarize the issue of the debate
Note: It is not advisable for 3rd  speaker to bring new arguments.
Reply  (1st or 2nd) speaker:
1.Provide a summary or overview of the debate
2.Identify the  issues raised by both teams
3.Explain why the Government’s case and responses are better than the Opposition’s
Note: Reply speakers are not allowed to bring new arguments and to give rebuttals

Reply  (1st or 2nd) speaker:
1.Provide a summary or overview of the debate
2.Identify the  issues raised by both teams
3.Explain why the Opposition’s case and responses are better than the Government’s
Note: Reply speakers are not allowed to bring new arguments and to give rebuttals.

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